Monday, February 22, 2010

It's down...yet again

Well I should say it's down still. The wireless network I normally use at work is still down. I really think that the nail people haven't been paying their bill or just don't get that something is wrong and need to call someone. Like I said they don't speak English well. So I'm here internet less. The worst part is when I'm at this location all day. Today I get to go to the new store which has a working wireless network. Yeah it's annoying. Maybe they blocked me out. Nah that can't be it because I'm connected I just have no internet. Better be fixed by tomorrow because there are somethings I'd like to be able to do on the internet. Such as pass the time by playing games or reading news article or tweeting. Anyway I was watching Good Morning America and they had some more clips of the Tiger Woods apology which lasted 13 minutes apparently. They had a friend of Tiger's saying he was quite emotional during the speech. Which is funny because to me looked like there were no emotions at all. The friend did raise a good point though. We don't know Tiger very well. He apparently isn't an emotional guy. I'd kinda like to point out all the moments we've seen him happy, and that time we did see him cry on someone's shoulders publicly, but let's go with it. Let's say Tiger isn't an emotional. No one would know him like his mother. As far as I know the mother didn't really give a response either way. Just gave him a hug after it. Didn't look like she could see he was very sincere. That makes me stick to my he's a robot and I'm not so sure he's learned from what happened. Well I'll just keep watching. Another news story that got my goat was about a boy in Pennsylvania who was being spied on by his school. They apparently took screen caps and pictures of him while he was surfing the web. He was then approached by the assistant principal and was told that he was suspected of selling drugs. Now here is my thing. Shouldn't the school have said something about the laptops. Shouldn't they have told the parents, "What your son or daughter does on a school laptop will be monitored." The school's defense was that they do it to find stolen laptops. Ok fine I understand that, but let's say that your system gets hacked. A pedophile then takes pictures of all your students with these laptops and knows where they go to school and can now stalk these students. That to me just seems really irresponsible. If the parent signs something saying they understand that their child is being monitored then ok it's an agreement and there is no way to get out of it. What is sounds like is that the students just sign their name saying they are checking out a laptop and they check it out. So like I said my beef is with the school and for them not educating the students and parents that the laptops are monitored. I just know that if it was my kid I'd sue the school for putting my child in possible danger without my knowledge along with the privacy thing. I mean what if they set the laptop down take a shower and come out partially naked and the camera takes a picture then. I mean either way it looks bad for the school. The annoying thing is they'll probably just get a slap on the wrist for it. Which reminds me I had a weird ass dream last night. Basically I quit my job and went to one of those employment agencies. I had a job with some company, but I like never showed up for work or I didn't show up during the holidays, anyway so there was this sheet I had to fill out because I saw someone else do it, but they filled mine out already. Then somehow I'm at this carnival and I go to live in Mexico because I couldn't find a job (yeah I know the perfect place to go for a job). I find a place I can rent for six months and some how manage to afford a car. I then get pulled over by a cop who happens to be my former college room mate (who wanted to be a doctor then changed to graphic design). Then somehow I'm working for Satan and I give him this vile that has my former room mates DNA which he uses to make an army of clones to rule the world. I could fly at that point somehow. Yeah weird dream.Today's tip is if an offer is too good to be true it probably is. If an offer is too terrible to be true who cares it's a terrible offer.

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