Saturday, February 27, 2010

Last Saturday of the 2nd month

Yep tomorrow is the end of February and I could not be happier. Like I said once I get past February the rest was all down hill. March doesn't have nearly as much stuff to do. I'm not moving my stuff to a new apartment or helping to start up a new store from scratch. Plus I get my first Saturday off in 3 weeks in March. Plus March means SPRING!!!! Plus it also means we lose an hour over the weekend, but still it's worth it for warmer weather. Oh that reminds me last night I have no clue what was going on in the apartment above me. I just heard this "Oh God!" "Oh My God" and a lot of panting. Now to me it sounded like the people upstairs were having sex. I mean I've watched quite a bit of porno and that's what the panting sounded like. My room mate said no it sounds like she's crying. So now we are wondering who's right and if we need to do something. The downside to not having x-ray vision is you can't see what's going on in the apartment above you. Now she could have very well been crying. She could have been crying because her cat just died. She could have also been crying because she was being beaten, but I didn't hear anything that sounded like that. I still think they were just having wild sex. Then this morning me and my room mate saw the guy cleaning out his car. Yeah it was weird because it was like 25 degrees outside. Plus he had the car running which was also weird. Typically whenever I clean out my car I don't leave it running and I do it on a warmer day. Yeah my apartment building gets weirder and weirder the longer I live in it. My room mate is so lucky that he's done with his old apartment. I still have to pay one more month on mine. Yeah it's not fair at all. The annoying thing is I can't stick it to the landlord before I leave by like busting the pipes or spray painting the side of the building. The guy would deserve it. Curse you sense of justice and not wanting to do things that I know I'll get caught if I do. So I bet you can't guess what I have stuck in my head. That's right Space Channel 5 part 2. Well this one for some reason started playing in my head today. This is where you meet up with Space Michael (voiced by the late great Michael Jackson). It's funny to watch the dance battle because it's like watching a bunch of Michael Jackson impersonators going at it. Plus he says Ulala kinda funny. Sounds like You-la-la. The first part is just Ulala saving some cheerleaders and that's the part that's stuck in my head. I guess because I watched Wizards of Waverly Place last night and it was an episode about cheerleaders. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is If your feet are killing you then maybe you shouldn't give them knives to play with.

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