Tuesday, February 2, 2010

6 more weeks of winter

Yeah I don't know what the groundhog said, but guess what? There are approximately 6 more weeks of winter. Go look at your calender. It agrees with me. Springs starts the 21st of March I believe. 21st or the 23rd. Either way that's 7 weeks away. Meaning (you guessed it) 6 more weeks of winter. It's not like this groundhog seeing or not seeing its shadow causes the earth's axis to tilt faster. You don't see people in the southern hemisphere doing something like this in August. It doesn't magically make our summer shorter and make fall longer. Well that's just my two cents about today. A lot seemed to happen yesterday. Republicans are now opposed to everything they once were. I swear the only way to get things done for obama is to agree with something. I bet you if Obama hadn't pushed so hard for health care then the republicans would have passed it. I mean they are seriously acting like elementary kids. They don't want to play with the same toy as someone that's their "enemy" Just disagreeing to disagree. Also funny how they are acting like Bush never happened. I'm sorry but didn't we go from having to a surplus to a deficit in the 1st term of Bush, so no matter what it's Bush's fault. Then Scott Brown is like no the Tea Party had nothing to do with my win. I guess we all forget it's all about getting elected then it's like F you until the next election. Makes you want to make every single elected official in the US serve a 1 year term so they always have to stick with what they promise otherwise we get Joe Lieberman's running around blocking things because they know they are going to retire after this term. So the video I wanted to upload yesterday was another dance from the Super Sentai Series. For those of you that loved the Magical Sister's Dance a couple of days ago then you'll love this. This was the song that they were singing. It's called The Spell Advent and it was the ending theme for the Mahou Sentai Magirangers. I actually learned this dance and still remember parts of it. I showed my friends when I was back in college and well I freaked them out. They were mainly shocked that I could move my hips so well. Oh quick side note those outfits that they are wearing are what the "rangers" of that season wore the whole series. I suggest learning this dance then doing at parties when your friends are so drunk they won't remember. Today's tip is no matter what the groundhog says winter will last about 6 more weeks. Look at your calenders.

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