Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's that day again

That's right it be sunday again. That means that tomorrow it will be Monday and that means work again. Yesterday was a pretty decent day. It was snowing so not as many people came in as I would have liked. Oh when I got my pizza for some reason the guys at Toppers gave me an extra pizza. I thought they were just giving it to me because I was like the 50th customer of the night or something, but there was a slice missing. I think they had it returned and were eating it and put it under mine and gave it away accidentally. So I got a free pizza. Meant to write about it yesterday, but I was side tracked with the lack of internet. Still don't know what's going on with that wireless. If it doesn't work monday then I know something is wrong. I of course can't fix it since it's not the wireless for the office. It's at a place down the hall. They don't speak english. Wouldn't be shocked if they didn't pay the internet bill. So annoying. Too bad I don't have one of those wireless modems that you take anywhere to get internet. I also worked out last night. Can't keep a low body fat if I don't keep working out. I also talked to my Ex. Mainly because I was feeling a lot of anger. Mainly about how I was treated during the relationship and the break up. It ended up being me just saying that I'm more muscular then when we were going out and I weigh more while my Ex just told me about all the money being made. I think yeah I'm officially done with my Ex. Well again I felt like a good laugh. This video is called Parle a Ma Main. It's french and I can't put the correct accents on the correct letters. Anyway it's a funny video because we all know the girls that act like this. They think they are all that and have abbreviations for everything, but we also know the guys that think they are cool and try to score with every girl. Even if you don't understand french, you can get what's going on. Like I said it's a funny video mainly because there is cross dressing. Today's tip is practice makes perfect, but since no one is perfect they should say practice makes less crappy.

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