Friday, February 12, 2010

The day's are getting longer

Which is a good thing because I hated going home when it was dark. Least when I'm leaving the building there is still some light out. The joy of getting close to spring and daylight savings time. I will say I won't enjoy the fact that I've lost an hour. Got a good arm workout yesterday and did a short ab one. I think every night I'll do a short ab workout. Seems like all of a sudden I'm seeing something there. I get to work the new store today and tomorrow. Which is always fun because it's all about trying to find something to do for 6 hours. Trying to get more people to stop in right now because it's new and just opened up. On the plus side I plan on going to see Wolfman. I have this weird fascination with werewolves. I think they are a lot more fun then vampires. Oh and no I don't put myself on team jacob because I hate twilight and think it's a crappy movie. It's basically Harry Potter all over again except with a bunch of teenage fan girls instead of elementary age fan girls and teen girls. I just realized I didn't see anything on the news today that got me up in arms. Well there was republican hypocrisy again, but that's getting old. We know that the republicans love not practicing what the preach. Well at least for me it's pizza night. The only downside is I went to Wal-Mart to do my shopping and for some reason they don't care the four cheese version of the pizza I like so I got something that I thought wouldn't be too bad. Yeah it sucked ass. I for some stupid reason stocked up on the stuff so that meant that I had two weeks worth of the crappy pizza. Well I won't make that mistake again. The main reason why I went to Wal-Mart is to avoid that guy that loves to talk. He's so nosey and stops me from shopping. Here's hoping he's not working when I go there this weekend. If he does I swear I'm throwing the cart at him and running for my life. So I felt like doing another opening for an anime. If you've never heard of One Piece then clearly you weren't around anybody that had cartoon network for like 2 years. It was one of those popular animes that lost favor because the company that was dubbing it did a terrible job. It was one of those animes that had way too much stuff to be edited to have been done by 4kids. Anyway when funimation got a hold of it they did a better job, but by that time the fad was over and they stopped showing it, which is good for them because I think they are up to episode like 534 now in japan. Anyway this is the 8th opening I believe called Jungle P. Enjoy. Today's tip is there is no better joy then reaching a goal. Well maybe getting free money and/or free food.

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