Monday, February 8, 2010

I had a busy weekend

The reason why I didn't post at all the past weekend was because I was moving. Started really early on Saturday. I didn't really have time to get the comp out and post something before I got started. If I did try then I wouldn't have finished when I did. Then on Sunday I didn't post because my new place doesn't have internet yet and all the other signals were secure. So I had to go two days without it. To make matters worse my new place doesn't have cable so I couldn't even watch TV. So needless to say I was a bored reck. Well not really bored since I had tons of stuff to move. Will say that relaxing and watching tv would have been nice. I got really sore after the first day. I should have taken protein and glutamine after I finished instead of eating, unpacking, then going to bed. Oh and I know what your thinking, I thought you couldn't get out of your other lease until March. Well that's true, but I did sign up for this place because if I waited then well I wouldn't have been able to move all my stuff in quickly since the new store opens today and I'm working 6 days a week the rest of this month. Plus this place comes with a room mate so that means less financial stress for me. Besides there was no way I could live in that place any longer with that asshole of a landlord of mine. Plus today the new store opens and guess who gets the first shift. Yep that would be me. Trying to do everything I need a comp for right now because there is a wireless signal there, but no place I can kinda hide away to play. Even if there was I wouldn't hear the customers since we don't have a bell. Oh and to make things better I found out that they are making a 5th generation of pokemon. How the hell can they do that? I mean they have seriously done everything. I'm surprised they managed to push out a 4th generation let alone a 5th. Well good luck with that. So like I said I didn't have tv set up at my new place, but I do have a dvd player. So I watched one of my DVDs. I watched Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan, which is something I watched when I was back at college. So I figured I'd post the 1st two episodes of the show. Now you should know that one episode is basically 15 minutes. So there are two episodes in an airing. Oh and after watching it if your still confused don't worry. The show does not make sense and is not meant to. Today's tip is life is constantly in motion. Either go with it or end up like a pancake like a cartoon character.

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