Tuesday, February 16, 2010

9 days left

Then it's off to a new month. A month that will hopefully bring a hell of a lot more warmth. I can honestly say this has been the longest winter of my life. I thought time moved faster the older you get. I'm sure it's been a long winter for other people too. Like those on the east coast. I seriously wonder what summer brings though. Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. When I went to the new shop a lot of the ice had been plowed and melted and when I went home it was almost all but gone. Today is suppose be a nice day. Sunny and what not. Tomorrow suppose to bring a small flurry that's not suppose to stick (again while I have to do more driving then usual). I also got a dinner invitation tonight so no quick pasta or frozen dinner for me. Least tonight anyway. Oh I was watching Good Morning America and they were talking about this case where a father could be in jail for 6 months because of contempt of court. Ok on the face doesn't sound news worthy, but apparently it's because he took his daughter to church. Apparently he had a court order that whenever he had his daughter that he can't go to church because the mother wants the daughter to be Jewish and all this other stuff. The whole time I'm just thinking what the hell? I thought courts weren't suppose to mess with anything that has to do with religion. I mean shouldn't that be something between the parents. Then I come to find out that the judge is Jewish. So before I got all up in arms about it I realized that well how are you not going to find a religiously unbiased judge. Can't get a christian one because then the mother will say oh he's just getting a judge that will side with him. Pretty sure an atheist judge wouldn't care and say do with it what you like. The point is that I swear some courts are getting way too involved with some things. I mean it would be one thing if the father was a devil worshipper or was taking the daughter to a nazi colt meeting, but no he's taking the daughter to church. As far as I know I think that's suppose to be a place that teaches tolerance (to an extent). Wouldn't that be a good thing? Today's tip is if your coffee needs sugar dip a girls finger in it since they are 1/3 sugar. Oh and keep salt away from boys.

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