Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's V-day

I'm still trying to figure out if I'm anti-V-day or still for it slightly. I say this because well for 21 years straight I never had anyone for a Valentine. Kinda makes the holiday an annoying one. No one wants to be single on the day for couples. So eventually I got really cynical about it, but after my stay in the hospital kinda not so anymore. Now I do hate how it's so commercial and stuff. It always makes it sound like the rest of the year you can blow off unless it's a b-day or anniversary. Plus I swear guys always seem to think they are going to score today. Tons of guys came into the store yesterday to buy male enhancement. Well if it makes the wife and/or girlfriend and/or boyfriend happy then go for it. At my store however only had a few visitors. On the plus side I did see Wolfman. The sad part is that I swear the sour patch kids at the theater made me sick. It was the same type of sick I get whenever I lose a lot of blood which was the weird part. Maybe I was feeling sympathy pains for all the people that lost limbs and organs and stuff. Will admit that I thought it would have ended differently. Plus I would have thought the werewolf would have been more well wolf like then man like. Well come to think of it, I think it's a remake of an old movie and that's kinda what the werewolf looked like. Probably wasn't as graphic though. So today I have/got a lot of stuff done. Plus I work the new store again tomorrow. Should be fun... if people show up that is. Which reminds me I hear it's not looking good for Canada. Apparently their women's hockey team won 18-0 in their match with some other country and people are pissed about it. I can understand why. I mean that's like the highest score I've ever seen in hockey. You'd think that after the first half they'd say yeah we only need to score maybe one or two more times. Guess that's what happens when you let Canada host the Olympics. They think it's their time the shine and tend to not care about their rep. On the day of lovers do not forget that dining and dashing is still a crime.

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