Friday, February 26, 2010


Yes and since it's Friday it means pizza night. YAY PIZZA NIGHT!! Plus it means tomorrow is the weekend. The weekend makes me happy. Honestly I have nothing planned for this weekend other then writing out my last rent check to my asshole landlord. Man can I not stand that guy. Probably should give him a 30 day notice as well as the rent check. I mean I gave him like a 60 day notice, but I'm not taking any chances. The last thing I need is for him to say oh you didn't give me any type of notice. You have to pay for April. Man I can't stand that guy. I seriously will be over joyed once I'm out of his grip. I'm also glad that the Olympics are finally over. I seriously don't care who gets a medal for what or who got disqualified or who did what. I am not a sports guy. Also means I can finally watch the Today show again which I prefer to Good Morning America. It just makes me laugh more. Did a chest workout last night as well. Yeah that was fun. I also slept really well I think. I think it's because of this stuff I took before going to bed. Helps to produce more growth hormones. I did have quite a few people stop in at the store which was nice. Helped the day fly by. That and I was playing a game that helped the day fly by. So since I'm still kinda on a Space Channel 5 buzz I thought I'd bring to you the finale for the 1st game. This video features your battle with Evila and the big bad boss. Forgot what his name was. Think it was big. Anyway it's just a fun little finale. I will say that if I was to play the original I probably couldn't get 100%. Well there here you go. Today's tip is if your going to ask a tall person "how's the weather up there" make sure you carry an umbrella because the will say it's raining.

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