Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Day fast approaches

No, not Valentine's day. I couldn't care less about that "holiday". I'm talking about spring. Only 17 more days left of February. Then it's March which means spring. Plus I think the whole nation is tired of this weird cold weather. I still say something is up if the weather is this off. Makes you wonder what in the world will happen in summer. Will summer be way cooler? Maybe it will be full of natural disasters. Who knows. I think that it's the Earth showing it is pissed off at us. Only time will tell. So the other day we had this guy come in and he was talking about one of our competitors. Saying that they're prices were way up there and mentioned that one of the workers over there was just flat out rude to him. He said that he use to work out and the clerk quickly responds with "No one likes a quitter." Yeah I know there is probably no employee handbook over there, but I'm pretty sure that should be one of those common sense rules. Don't insult the customer. Just makes me wonder how they keep staying in business if they are going to treat people that come in like that. I know I wouldn't want to shop there if the first thing out of the clerks mouth is something like that. Which reminds me suddenly all these teenagers are coming in asking about quick flushes because they have to pass a "piss" test. For like a straight week now. I'm of course thinking that if you wouldn't do what the test is for then you wouldn't have to worry about dishing out 30 bucks for a flush or that if it will work quick enough, and they all ask me if it works. How should I know if it works. I'm not some druggy that's always worried about passing a drug test. Go ask our competitors. They clearly have a lot of guys that need to pass drug tests.So again I'm in the Card Captor Sakura Mood. So I'm going to post the first opening for it. It's called Catch You Catch Me. This is an AMV someone made that takes the first few episodes of the show. I love this song, just because. It's weird. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is never underestimate the power of boredom. It can make even the smartest man do the dumbest things, and the funniest.

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