Saturday, February 20, 2010

It happened again

So the wireless internet is down again at the main office. I swear it goes down at least 5 times a month. So I have to use the office computer to do my blog. Luckily my boss doesn't mind since it's 1. the weekend and 2. we rarely use the computer anyway. Well yesterday was a pretty decent day for me. Actually had some people come in and bought stuff. I treated myself to Toppers pizza and watched a movie. I didn't work out last night since I had just worked out two nights in a row. I will work out tonight though. Can't keep my figure if I just sit and do nothing. Especially the way I eat. Not good for anyone. Now I'm just trying to figure out why I can't sleep through the night anymore. Now I will say that is a sign that my depression might be coming back. I have been feeling weird lately. Well it's my depression coming back then I will be ok because spring will be here soon. It could just be that my sleep patterns are being messed up for some bizarre reason. Maybe I need to take something before going to bed. I still haven't heard Tiger Woods' apology. I probably should, but then again I really couldn't care less if he means it or not. I guess I just like seeing people fail publicly that way I can point out all the things they did wrong. Well that isn't healthy is it? Oh well it's what the tabloids do...and all other news medias. Well tomorrow I'm going to have quite a bit to do. Should be fun...not. I can't stand the fact that I only get one day off a week, but then again I did bring it upon myself. I guess I should also do some of this stuff during the week like laundry. Think I might also take a nap sometime tomorrow. Should be fun. So I have this song stuck in my head for two days now. It's the song Ain't Got Rhythm from Phineas and Ferb. I don't know why it's been in my head lately. I haven't heard it in awhile, and I haven't been watching the show. I guess I have been eating their fruit snacks, but still. Anyway if you've never seen Phineas and Ferb, then you didn't know that each episode has it's own musical number. This particular episode had 4 in it. This of course being one of them. So enjoy the song and I hope it doesn't get stuck in your head like it did mine. Today's tip is with friends quality is better then quantity. Don't let someone try to take away the good ones you do have.

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