Friday, February 5, 2010

Tempted to move to Canada

How often have you heard that someone wants to move to Canada if a certain person gets elected. Maybe that's something people in Texas say all the time. Anyway I was getting so frustrated with Republicans yesterday that I actually said I'm thinking about moving to Canada. I mean honestly they have universal health care. It's way more liberal then here in the states. I honestly would be in heaven....minus the way cold winters. I mean it just annoys the hell out of me that the republican party is being so dirty handed. They hired a guy to write their ads and tell them how they can stop this new jobs bill. He said ok call it another bailout (which it's not). People are sadly going to fall for it. Then come reelection time the republicans are going to say oh look the democrats did nothing instead of what they should be saying is I stopped the democrats from doing anything. They are the party of no. They refuse to compromise anything. Why should we fix health care it's just fine. We should be out there fighting everyone's war. We don't need to worry about what's going on at home. They want to go back to how it was with Bush who put us in this deficit, who let the banks and wall street do what they want that put us in this hole, and is the guy that got us involved in two wars (1 of which we had no business being involved in). The republican party seems to think that it's America's job to be the world police. They want us to take care of everyone else, but doesn't want to strengthen the home front. Just wish people would see that. I'm not saying that there aren't times when we should extend our help, but I'm saying right now we need to focus on US (get it. US looks like us but in's a pun). So lately I've felt the urge to watch the anime Cardcaptor Sakura. So I was going to post the opening for it, but after my rant about focusing on US (ha did it again), I figured I'd post the US version of the opening, even though the US version of it was pure crap. The original anime was 70 episodes, but they only showed 34 in the US. Mainly because there was homosexual crushes and age inappropriate romances, but if you were to watch it then it really didn't matter. Just enhanced the story. Not to mention they refused to go in any type of order. One week you'd watch the 5th episode then the next it was the first episode then the next it was the 12th. Anyway enjoy the opening. Today's tip is before getting into the tub you should test the water. The same isn't true if the tub is full of a highly potent acid.

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