Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last day of sleeping in

Well not the last day, just the last one this week. Tomorrow is a banking day and that means I need to be there early to help with the deposit. I also have to be there Friday for payroll, but I must say these last two days have been nice. Seems to put me in a better spirit. Here's hoping that someone comes in today. It just hasn't been that great of a week for sales. Doesn't seem like a lot of people are out and about. I think it's because everyone is sick of winter and doesn't want to venture out until it's finally spring. I mean it seems like it's the longest winter of my life. Well there are just 4 days left in February and then spring is March 20th apparently. I always thought it was the 21st, but the calender says 20th. Anyway yesterday I had a cathartic blog post. No not here because it had to deal with personal issues, but it was a post somewhere else. Anyway the blog was about my ex and how I still felt a lot of anger there. After writing the post I think I was able to finally move on. Seems like it helped cut the final thread of that relationship. For me writing things out is a good way to get my thoughts out. I rarely go back and read my blog posts. Mainly because I'm trying to remove the clutter from my mind. Once I remove it seems like my life can move on better. I tend to hold onto things far longer then I should, but once I write it I seem to move on from it a bit. Now some things it's fine to hold onto like a funny family moment, but anger and frustration not so much. Crime doesn't pay, unless you get paid to take people's stuff.

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