Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's that famous humpday

On top of that I have to go over to the new store which shockingly was busy yesterday while I was at the old store. I swear everyone knows when I'm there and refuse to come in. Yeah that's not annoying as hell. Why can't people come down and visit the store while I'm there. I only get caught up with playing on the internet. Like I said seems like they know when the owner is there. Granted he said he just had a lot of talkers not so much a lot of buyers. Well it's more then I ever get. Yesterday also ended in a good note since I got a free dinner. Free dinner is good. Also got to play some stuff on the new Wii Fit. I've never played anything on Wii Fit because well I don't think that a game system should be paired up with fitness. To me that just seems like the ultimate laziness. I don't feel like going to the gym or going for a walk so I'll just play on this game system and do what it says. Oh and what is with people and bsing. You know how some people just seem to talk and talk, but when you listen your like that doesn't sound right. Well apparently one of our customers got rid of the "muscleheads" at one of the gyms. Yeah it already sounds like a load of crap. Why would gyms get rid of their "muscleheads". Especially this gym which seems to cater to them. Not only that but the owners are ones as well. Not to mention they have a rep of selling steroids/doing steroids. Must say I'd be afraid to go into one of those gyms for the simple fact that I don't need someone getting all roid ragey on me or trying to push steroids on me. Anyway back to this guy. I mean this guy is one of those guys you just don't really want to trust. He goes on and on about how he helps his nephew get in shape and how he can bench 230 lbs and how he helps young boys int he gym. Plus he's allergic to EVERYTHING! Also doesn't seem to ever work, but now is suddenly a director. I just wish if someone was going to try to push bull shit on me they at least push some good stuff. You know somewhat believable. Oh and that reminds me. I've been wanting to post this pic I took for awhile but I keep forgetting. I was moving some stuff around in my room and Well I did this. The only grass pokemon to become a ninja from the village hid... on Twitpic If you know your pokemon and watch Naruto you find it funny. If not you just find it cute. So I felt like I'm in a good mood today so I uploaded a song that well makes me feel good. It's called Hare Hare Yukai. It's from an anime called The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. This is concert footage of the song sung by the voice actors from the show. Now yes it's obviously lip synced, but you try doing all those dance moves, while singing, and not sounding like you just ran a 30 mile race. I mean this was the final song. They've been dancing around the whole show. This was by far the most intense dance number there. So I really don't fault them. Anyway enjoy it. It always brings a smile to my face. Today's tip is after partying hard at mardi gras make sure you have tons of tums, pepto, advil, and a sick day from work.

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