Friday, February 19, 2010

Wow I'm not fat

That's right I found out today that I'm not fat. Yeah I know you can usually tell if your fat or not, but I just got measured. My body fat is below 5%. Yeah so not fat. *Throws a little party* Anyway yesterday was kinda a weird day. Didn't feel like a lot of people came in, but the sales were pretty darn good. Just didn't feel like a lot of people came in. Here's hoping that tons of people come in today. I need a lot of people to come in today. I'm kinda on a buzz. I've kinda got the feeling I was leaning out. I don't know I think it was my body getting competitive. What I mean is that someone came in a few weeks ago and his body fat was down to 5%. Now the guy is older then me so I guess subconsciously I tried to beat him. Or maybe the stuff I'm taking to get bigger is actually leaning me out. Or it could be stress. Well I'd like to have more muscle mass at my current body fat. Well at least I don't feel fat anymore. Thought my weight went up though. Oh well. Which reminds me yesterday I seemed to be having a lot of internal monologues. Yeah I don't know why. The weirder part was that After Dark was playing in the background. Anyway the internal monologues were just basically things I might focus on on my blog. Or on my new blog which is private and for thoughts that well I don't want to air here. Anyway I kinda needed that blog because I've learned if I hold things in then well they come out in very destructive ways. Plus I get really mean when I don't express myself. So that's why that's there. That happens to remind that Tiger Woods is going to speak today. He's just going to read a statement with no questions. Yeah that seems like the stupidest PR move ever. Him not answering questions is what got him in trouble in the first place. I still say that if he had just talked to the police about the accident instead of being secretive then no journalist would have bothered to investigate and found all those women. Now he doesn't want to take questions at his public apology. Makes it seem staged and like he's really not all that into it. Well I won't get to see him apologize because I'm at work. So I'll have to watch the news clips and figure out if I think he really means it. Just goes to show that hiding stuff when your in the limelight is nearly impossible. Especially something as big as 14 mistresses. Or was it 15 in the end. Either way I don't really care. Never cared for Tiger since I hate golf. He wasn't a hero to me so I really didn't care when he fell from grace. I just saw it coming and tried to say hey dude don't do that. Today's tip is having an internal monologue is perfectly normal. Having an external monologue that isn't in a play not so much.

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