Monday, February 15, 2010

And it snows...again

So yesterday was a pretty nice day here in Wisconsin. Well I should say in my area of Wisconsin. It was one of those days when it looks like spring is almost here and everyone gets all excited. Then it got cloudy and by 6:10ish it was snowing. I go out this morning and my car was white when it was suppose to be gray. I have to leave so early in the morning that the road conditions are terrible. I mean I turned and actually was sliding. Lucky for me I got a hold of the car and it didn't hit anyone. Man I can't stand the snow now. It's been long enough. Anyway yesterday I just went shopping and moved more stuff around. Didn't do anything fancy. For me it was just another Sunday to get stuff done. As for today it's just living on the road. I swear it takes way too long for stuff to get plowed and salted. Most people leave early in the morning so should the roads be relatively clear by then? So I have to go out in that at about 11:30 to open up the shop and be cold for like 5 hours. Of course tomorrow is suppose to be clear along with the rest of the week. I just wish it wouldn't snow on my days to work at the new store because I have to do a lot more driving that day. It scares the hell out of me. So I felt like posting the opening for Bleach. Again it was just because I felt like it. This is the 4th opening called Tonight Tonight Tonight. It's one that changed every time it aired. Trying to find a specific picture is always tough. So I just found one that played well and posted it. Oh and yes they are singing in English, but it takes a long time of listening to it to figure out what they are saying. Enjoy it. Today's tip is if you hide your number from a caller id, don't be shocked when no one answers your call.

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