Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Well that makes sense

I went to the gym today and the woman that gets "trained" by the gym "manager" was in. I happened to look over at the windshield and noticed that there was a sticker for the fort in the area. Then I thought back to the new "managers" bio and it said that he was at the fort. So it got me to think. Maybe he's not being paid to train this woman. Maybe it's him doing something for a friend. Then I realized you wouldn't come in as early as he does unless you were getting paid. Which is just sad that someone would pay to workout with this guy. I get into the gym and go straight to the back. Well the woman does some cardio then she comes back all by herself. So I thought oh maybe he's not coming in today. Then I noticed she kept looking at the door. Which meant he was late. He did show up and I didn't hear his excuse for being late. Then as I'm finishing up I hear that she just has to do some ab work and she can go home. Why she pays him to basically do what she can do by herself is beyond me.
The annoying thing about Wisconsin is that we have to renew our license every 8 years. It's annoying because of old people. Most of us have been stuck behind seniors. We know how bad it can be sometimes. Well this morning a woman puts on her breaks way before getting close to the stop sign. Stops way behind the pole to where she can't see if a car is coming. So me and my workout buddy got talking and he told me about an old woman that hit the concrete barrier at a bank drive thru. In Wisconsin the only way a senior losses their license is if they can't pass the vision part when renewing their license or a doctor or family member pushes the issue. Well doctors won't do it because seniors basically pay for their car with all the prescriptions they need. So they are going to keep them happy because if the doctor says they shouldn't drive they'll just find a new one. The family members won't do it because they don't want to upset grandma. Well which is worse. Having grandma mad at you or having grandma get into an accident. I've heard horror stories from customers about seniors that hit them or that they saw get hit. What if these people hit and kill someone. Do you really want that on grandma's conscience for the rest of her life how short it may be.
How I was introduced to mermaid melody was an AMV (anime music video) of it. The song they used was Sweet Little Bumble Bee. It's a song that's on DDR. Whenever I hear that song I think of mermaid melody. I can't find that AMV anymore so I figured I'd find one and post it. Found one I liked and here it is. Today's tip is how the fine print is hidden should give you a hint into the danger of whatever is being explained.

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