Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yep fed up with things

I'm fed up with working at my 2nd job. I'm fed up with snow. I'm fed up with people. I just want to stay in my apartment until spring. Yesterday I had to dig myself out for 15 minutes to get to work. I of course couldn't go shopping so I had to do that later. That was a pain in the ass. Just tired of things. It's probably my seasonal depression popping up too.
Plus my co-worker got on my nerves. I don't know if it was because of the snow or because I was on break so I couldn't stay and talk much, but he just seemed to be out of it. Didn't turn off the front computer. Didn't do any shoveling. Then on top of that he gives me that "oh you heard that so I have to invite you" invite. Then when I tried to back out of it he wouldn't let it go. He workouts out with his buddies every Sunday at like 9:30. On Sunday at 9:30 I'm doing laundry or shopping. I told him that and he hands me this photo that he was going to hand his friend about bitching and man up. Well you know what the truth is I don't want to workout with him or his friends. I feel like the 19th wheel with them. Plus I don't workout the way they work out. They max out. Me I don't. I get a weight I feel comfortable with and lift. Make sure I can do 3 sets of at least 8. I could probably lift more, but I want my strength to increase gradually. Not to mention I'm going for muscle fatigue to build muscle rather then strength. That's kinda what most of them are going for. On top of that I'm not driving to another city in this weather. Not when I can just go down the street to my gym. So if he pushes it I'm going to tell him I'm not going all the way to another city during winter. I have a gym that's a 24 hour gym. If he brings it up I'll say that and if he really pushes it I'll say honestly I didn't feel like I was truly invited. That it felt like you were just inviting me because I happened to be in the backroom when you were inviting a customer. Not like you couldn't have invited me sooner, but only invited me after you thought I heard you inviting someone else. I know you thought that because I had no clue you invited the guy until you came back and told me about it.
Today's tip is how you invite someone to something speaks volumes. Do it properly and they'll most likely show up.

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