Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I got lazy

Was going to post yesterday, but got lazy. Was a weird day. I had to move my car at 9 so I figured I'd workout then. Well turns out they never removed the snow like they were suppose to. When I got to the gym I found out I forgot my shoes. So I went to the office and got measured. I'm leaning out. Happens every winter. Last year my lowest body fat was in February then it went up. So if that trend continues then no matter how much I eat I'll lose weight. It would help if I didn't have to work at a job that has me walking around for hours on end without getting a chance to drink a lot of water or eat a lot of calories. So yeah we'll see.
Plus a lot of stuff didn't happen on Monday, but not yesterday. First off Bret Farve is injured yet again. Now the NFL commissioner has come out and says he's following up on that investigation and it will be done by the end of the regular season. Oh who are they kidding. They had no intention on finishing this anytime soon. They have had this going for far too long. The reason being is that it kept all eyes on the NFL. It kept them from having to disgrace him even more. He's been having the crappiest season so the NFL punishing him for it would be a total kick in the ass. That's what they think. In all honesty if they got it done asap then it wouldn't be holding over his head. We know he's going to pay a fine. I mean come on. You look at the texts, you look at the pics, compare, and if he did it based on the evidence you act. It doesn't take what 5 months? Everyone else got fined like the day after something comes forward. Why is this taking so long? It's just a slap in the face of the players that aren't retiring. Basically it says if you do something wrong do it the year you plan on retiring.
Speaking of stupid choices. I was getting gas and the idiot in front of me DID NOT TURN OFF HIS ENGINE! Yes he did in fact fuel up with his engine running. Apparently in Illinois they don't turn off their engines. Maybe it was just this guy. I mean that's so stupid for several reasons. 1. there is a could chance we all could blow up. 2. Even if we did you are using fuel while getting fuel. Your bill is going to be higher. People are stupid.
So I was going to post Be Our Guest from beauty in the beast and then I got looking at the videos youtube recommended. Yeah these videos are way better. I'm just not going to ruin them. Watch them. All I can say is sometimes you just can't recover from something funny. Today's tip is if ever there was a time to be on your best behavior, in front of the camera is one of those times.

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