Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Here we go

Tonight I have to be at my 2nd job until closing. Plus I have to work the last 3 hours at my first job. So I have an 8 hour day. The thing about that is that the first 3 hours don't really matter to me. I love my first job. That 3 hours will fly by. It's the last 5 hours I don't want to deal with. It's really annoying. I mean I get people that can be really great and make my job really easy or not. It depends on what goes on with the management. Depending on what they are doing sets the tone. If they have nothing for me (which is most of the time) then I'm just walking around looking for work. The thing about me is I really don't like looking for something to do. I like having tons of stuff set up for me to do. That's what happens at my first job. I have tons of things to do. Then when I don't then I'm allowed to be on my computer and simply wait on customers that come in. Not so much at this other job. I really don't have that at my other job. There isn't one thing you can always go to if nothing else is going on. Oh well.
Honestly that's kinda the only rant I have. Didn't go to the gym today and no one really did anything that pissed me off. I guess probably because I still haven't fully woken up.
Today's tip is if you can't love yourself then how the hell are you gonna love anyone else. See your own beauty and everyone else will too.

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