Sunday, December 5, 2010

What a day

Arg I can so not stand my 2nd job. None of the higher ups really seem to care about the workers. I had two of my bosses say to me wow you look tired. I told the highest one that I haven't had a day off in 2 weeks. Which is true. I'm going on my 3rd week without one. Lucky for me my 1st job will let me get off tomorrow. Did 2nd boss say anything. Nope just oh you need a day off and kinda walked off. Why the hell did you even start the conversation. If you say I look tired I'm going to say why I do. Ugh that pissed me off.
Then I get this phone call from a customer. She goes on and on about how when she got her xbox 360 wireless controller it rang up at the wrong price. So I go over there and I said well the wired one was that price the wireless one is what you were charged. Well I was just in there 30 minutes ago and it said 34.99. So I said again well that is for the white wired one. So she kept trying to do this arguing thing with me then the bitch got on. No it was a different person. And she's like can I just give you the sku. So I said sure. She gives it to me and I'm like no that's too long that's not a sku. Well that's what's on the receipt. And then I said well maybe it's the upc here let me try it. Nope that's not it either. Then she starts going all bitchy saying I could have gotten this anywhere else for less then what it was suppose to go for. I'm not paying $50 for a controller. Blah blah blah. So I said well if you'll bring it in then we can see if it was simply checked out at the wrong price (which it wasn't I guarantee). Well I live closer to the one on the south side can I just take it there. I said sure you can take it there and they'll be able to determine the same thing. So then she says thanks for all your non help. At that point it took everything I had to not say in the phone you're welcome bitch and hang up. Now here is the thing that got me thinking afterwards. 1. what am I going to do over the phone if it was at the wrong price. Since clearly she wasn't coming back to the store. 2. How come she didn't notice it before she left the store. She clearly remembered how much the price should have been. 3. Why wasn't the bitchy one with her. Since apparently it was such a big deal to her to get the right price on it. 4. What was the point of telling me to can get it somewhere cheaper. Then clearly you should have gone to that somewhere else. There is that whole lack of common sense thing.
What also happened at work was there was a shoplifter and the police got involved. The really sad part is that this kid had to be like 12 years old. So I hear the alarm sound twice. I didn't think anything of it. I then get closer to the front of the store and see a police officer at the service desk. I again thought nothing of it because police do stop by the mall in uniform. Well as I'm putting something at the front desk for them to hold I see the whole picture. The kid sitting in one of those scooters. The police officer on the phone with his notebook out. The tons of toys and candy on the counter. I mean this was stuff that you can't just simply put under your sweatshirt and walk away with. So he had to have had like a bag or something to try to sneak out with. The worst part of it all is that he looked like he's been caught doing this before. I mean if you were caught shop lifting at that age you'd look really worried. Unless he comes from a broken family and this is the norm. That's just really sad.
Today's tip is there are 3 sides to every story. The wrong side, the slighty more wrong side, and the truth.

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