Saturday, December 18, 2010

Well that was a blessing

Turns out that I was suppose to work Thursday night not Friday night. The funny thing is that no one called me. Plus my manager was working that day. So you'd think he'd know I was suppose to work. So that could mean one of three things when I work today. 1. I'm fired. Somehow I doubt that. From what I managed to hear I'm one of the few seasonal people still working. Plus they have my schedule for next week working. If they do then well what was the point of hiring for seasonal work. Option 2. My manager brings it up and says just don't do it again. Or 3. He had no clue I was suppose to work and that's why I didn't get a call. So we'll see.
Yeah still not feeling all that great. I really don't plan on talking to anyone about my feelings. Don't want to burden them with me complaining.
Today's tip is Christmas is now one week away. That means people are going to be even crazier when shopping.

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