Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This should get you thinking

I was just surfing the web when I came across a 48 hours mystery video. It was about Craig Titus. If you don't know who that is I'm not really shocked. He was a somewhat famous bodybuilder. I only know the name because my dad use to subscribe to muscle and fitness. He was regularly in there in some way or form. Well awhile back I heard he was in prison, but I never really looked into it. Well this 48 hours explained it. He and his wife were accused of killing a woman. It got me thinking about several things. 1 it was presented as they did it. It was incredibly biased. What happened to journalist integrity? I only watched 2 parts of it, but at the end of the 2nd part the guy is interviewing Craig and just keeps asking him did he do it. Now granted later on he did enter a guilty plea after saying him and his wife had nothing to do with it. Still says he is innocent. Anyway the other thing that it got me thinking is maybe there are just people out there that are more easily corrupted. If we are to believe what was in that segment he had a lot of money. He also openly did steroids. Apparently got his clients and other people them regularly. Also partied pretty hard. Yet there are tons of successful bodybuilders out there that don't do what he did. Like I said just got me wondering.
Speaking of wondering ever notice how in ads for ab machines they always show someone that is clearly out of shape then magically by "using" the product they not only have a 6 pack, but other parts are well developed. For the longest time (when I was much younger) I would see these and think that if you work on the abs everything else fell into place. Well obviously that's not the case. You can see it with the actual people that use the product. Or how about the product T core. It's from the same company that makes the shake weight. They have this new ab machine. The funny thing is it starts off with a guy that already has a 6 pack doing crunches. Then the announcer says are you tired of being on the floor doing ab crunches that hurt your back. The guy then puts his hand on his lower back. Ok the guy looks like he clearly knows how to do crunches and has been doing them forever. They then show him and another guy (with a 6 pack) using the machine. How about we get real people. Let's show some actual results. If you already have a 6 pack then well it's kinda well pointless to have the machine. Well that's how people viewing it look at it. Oh well.
Today's tip is when going to the store for someone write down what they want. Don't get there, call the person, then give the phone to the clerk. It's just weird.

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