Saturday, December 25, 2010

Got to blog and dash

Yesterday I just didn't feel like blogging. Happens when I workout later in the day. Anyway I got to blog real quick then get ready then dash out. So yesterday was a pretty nice day. Didn't have to go to work. Had the apartment to myself most of the day. This morning I opened up my gifts. My roommate was kind enough to get me a shake weight for men. Not shocked since for awhile I've been talking about it then there is this big box underneath the tree.
I also managed to finally get a squiby I've been trying to get for days. The artist hid it (like a lot of them are doing nowadays) and I kept trying to figure out what the clue meant. Well I thought I had figured it out early on, but I guess I miss spelled it or didn't give the page time to load. So yeah it was a pretty awesome day. The gym wasn't too bad either. Only one asshole was there. Why is it so hard for people to put up their weights?
Today's tip is make sure not to shake those presents too hard. Never know which one might have a baby in it.

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