Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I swear it happens every time

Every time it's suppose to snow it happens when I'm suppose to work late at my 2nd job. It's probably one reason why I really hate my 2nd job. I can honestly say when I just had to work just my 1st job it hasn't snowed. Plus whenever it snows (least so far) it has been a snow storm. It has not just simply been snow fall. You have got to be kidding me. Oh well. Least it's almost over. I'm suppose to work 90 days, but as I told my dad when he called and my roommate asked according to the contract I signed there is a chance that after the holidays I'll be done. The contract says I can work no longer then 90 days, but I or the store could terminate it early with no prejudice. Meaning neither of us can sue over it. Now granted I'm not an ass that would quit when I'm suppose to work. If I was to quit I'd do it before the next weeks schedule is posted. Oh well we'll see what happens next week.
So what else has been going on. Nothing really. It's been a pretty uneventful last two days. Probably because I haven't really been working. Plus I've been trying to calm down. Especially after Sunday. Oh and I think I really do need to superset all my arm exercises. The only problem with that is I have 3 bicep exercises, 2 tricep exercises, and 1 forearm exercise. So that means my biceps wouldn't have a good rest. Maybe that's what I need to push my arms up. Plus it's the only time I could ever Super set. I don't work my chest and back on the same days since they both are massive muscle groups. You can't really superset any leg exercises. So I should take the chance when I have it. Especially when I'm the only one in the back. The sad part is it's getting hard for that to happen. Mainly because it's hard to leave at the normal time because it's getting so cold. As a result I'm getting in later when other people are there. Not fun.
Oh and I thought of another thing I can tell my co-worker if he pushes the whole workout together thing. Honestly as you can kinda read I'm very selfish when it comes to my workouts. What I mean is it's all about me when I workout. People get in MY way. I don't ever get in theirs. I want all my attention on me. I want to get the most out of the least amount of time. I can't workout in a group. I don't even do that now. Yes I have a workout buddy, but it's more like we go to the gym together. We don't workout together. Rarely do we even work the same muscle group on the same day. He was talking about there were 8 guys last Sunday. Well not last Sunday, but the Sunday before last. No that's too many people. I get fidgety when I'm just standing around. Plus I don't want to talk. I don't talk when I workout. It annoys me when I see people talking. I can't help, but think about how much time they are wasting. I'm talking about back in the weightroom, not on the treadmill or cardio machines. That you can do while talking easily. Anyway it would bother me to whole time. He's talking about 2 hours at the gym. I hate that. The longest workout I've ever had was like an hour and a half during a total body workout. That was more because I just wanted to be there longer, but normally it's an hour including warm up and cool down. So that's what I'll tell him. I don't think I'll ever be coming by. When I workout I don't like waiting around. I don't like to talk. Basically we'll simply be in the gym at the same time. I have my own routine and I don't change it. I'll avoid the way he invited me. If he keeps pushing then I'll bring it up, but other then that I won't.
So the episode I posted yesterday has a certain song stuck in my head. Yes No One Else On Earth by Wynonna Judd. Yay for audio/visual memory. Today's tip is sometimes you think of a good response after the situation. It happens. Don't dwell on it.

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