Monday, December 20, 2010

Just have to get through this week

Just have to get through this week and I'll be able to relax. I have a late night tonight and Thursday. The really annoying thing is both nights we are suppose to get snow. Ugh just not my week. Least when this week is over I won't be getting home at 11:15 or in the case of Thursday after 12:15. Just so dangerous being out that late for two reasons. 1 very few cars are out that late. So if something happens to your car you are kinda screwed. 2. No one is out so snow is really begining to pile up. No fun.
On Saturday it was just wow. Had a customer come in and ask if we had any other Uno game besides the basic Uno. Like Uno attack. So we go through the games and as they can plainly see we don't have any. So I told them well doesn't look like we have them. I personally haven't seen that game. So then she is like well it was here just last week. I don't see why it was here last week and not this week. I then wanted to say hello dumbass. It's the Christmas season. What store has the same inventory from week to week let alone day to day. So they ask me to look it up. Well I can't look it up. I have a SCANNER. I can only look it up if I have the code or the item in question. So they ask if they can do it at the front desk. Yeah they can. I can't. Well they leave and she's still bitching. Later on I tell my co-worker so we go back and see if there is even a label for it. There was I scanned it and turns out we have none on hand and we aren't going to get anymore. Which means that it was pretty close to going on clearance. Wish I had found it when they were there so I could say hey we don't have anymore and we won't have anymore. That's what they get for waiting to get it. It's Christmas time. If you see a gift that someone wants you buy it. If you wait then you probably won't get another chance until after the holidays. Some people are just that stupid.
So today's video is from the recent episode of Pokemon Best Wishes. I would have just done the opening, but that is so hard to find. Anyway it's not subbed, but it gives you a pretty decent feel for the show. Today's tip is there is one way to win an argument. Start randomly shouting words. No one wants to argue with someone not in their right mind.

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