Thursday, December 2, 2010

Way to go

Everyone that voted republican great job. Those congressmen and congresswomen you voted in will make sure nothing gets done. The ones that are in now have shown that since they know nothing will get done in the next two years they are blocking everything now. They even openly said we won't do anything unless we get tax cuts for the rich. They blocked a nutrition bill for our children. To get them meals. Probably the only meal they'll have in a day. I hope that those guys can live with themselves. They have seriously let greed get the better of them. They have chosen not to worry about the American people, but the people that line their wallets. It's just so sad. It really pisses me off because I can't do anything about it. All I can do is vote blue when elections come up. I think the reason why the GOP is being so bold is because Obama has backed down. What happened to the guy that fought for us. Offered us hope? He is so busy trying to keep peace he's forgotten about us. If he was smart he wouldn't be trying to extend an olive branch. He needs to be putting the GOP between a rock and a hard place. Kinda play ball the way they do. Point out when they stop bills. Tell us why you want to push it. Make them accountable for things. He needs to talk to us like he did on the campaign. He didn't act all high and mighty. He talked to us like we were human beings. He put it in simple terms to make sure all of us really understood what was at stake. If he wanted to get rid of those tax cuts for the rich all he had to do is explain just how much those that fall under the top 2% would pay. They can afford it. They are rich. Why shouldn't they pay their fair share of things. Ugh just....ARG!
Speaking of other things that annoy me ads. Ads that are in those fitness magazines. The one I really have a problem with is muscletech. Here's what's annoying. They make their ads look like it's some article in the magazine. All that it really says is that our research backs up our products. That these people that look amazing took our products. They had one guy who was in their creatine ad. He went from muscular, but kinda high in body fat, to ripped and shredded. Anyone that's taken a creatine knows you can't do that. You get bigger, but you also well get bloated. Then in small letters it says something like along with a special diet. Now the guy is in an ad for the whole muscletech line. It's just goes to show that you can't believe anything in ads. You really do need to do your own research and find a product that fits what your looking for. I'm not saying that muscletech doesn't have some good products. I just believe that their ads bullshit people. Plus a lot of their athletes are people that are already big and fit. They are just now paid to go around talking about their products.
So when I was google searching for all that stuff yesterday I came across lead me to someone named Diesel Weasel. Everyone kept saying how he had bad form. Well I youtubed it and yeah he did have some really bad form. He was clearly lifting too heavy. He was lucky that he didn't suffer some severe injuries. Probably will later on in life. I feel better pointing it out since he does admit that his form was pretty bad. He has been in power lifting competitions the most recent one was in march where he showed he got out of the bad form habit. Anyway I'm going to post two of his videos. I think too many guys do this just to say I can dead lift 400 lbs or I can bench 200lbs. Most of them have terrible form and end up hurting themselves really badly. That being said let this serve as a warning. If you are struggling like this and have this type of form you are lifting too heavy. Go down in weight and get the correct form then slowly move up to where you were. It's the best way to prevent injury. Today's tip is ego is something that stops many people from asking or accepting help. As a result many suffer from injuries both physical and mental.

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