Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My gym is funny

It really is. So yesterday I was checking mail and I get this mailer from my gym. It says that the staff is wishing you a happy holidays. As a "gift" they offered me 5 personal training sessions for only $125. That's right only $125. That's $25 a session. It's practically a gift. No pretty sure a gift is something that you get for free, but I will say that is a huge discount from the normal trainer costs. If I recall right the cheapest you can get is like $99 a session. Now the thing about this gift is I might have taken it, if the trainers seemed like they knew what they were talking about. Here let me explain. I went to the gym today. The pompous trainer was there again. He did exactly what he did last time. Comes in, hides in the trainers room comes out and walks around, goes back in, comes out and walks around again, goes in, comes out and finally trains his client. I mean dude why are you coming in early. Oh I know so you can try to intimidate people and act like the big guy you aren't. I have never seen this guy in a sleeveless shirt. He is always pretty much covered up. He was actually wearing a sweatshirt the whole time I was there. Now I get that you keep it on after you come in for a couple of minutes while your warming up. Yet you never take it off? Well based on what I've seen he looks like he is getting pretty chubby and knows it so he keeps the shirt on to look like he's in shape. I mean the other trainer/manager takes off his shirt and he clearly is huge. So I'm not going to use the pompous trainer. So what about the trainer/gym manager. Not using him either. He tends to talk too much. I mean 10 minutes of an hour session is really just him talking. Don't want that as my trainer. I mean when he works out he never says a word. Just listens to his music and does his workout. Why can't you work your clients like that? So how about the girl trainer. Well that kinda answered the question. I'm trying to bulk up and she is clearly not the one to do that. Plus she can be a major ice queen. Yeah I don't want you talking too much, but I want to feel like if I have a question I can ask you without you staring me down. So how about the student trainer. Well that's the problem. He's a student. Right now he's really busy with school and is rarely around. He's a good trainer and I think he could help me, but he's no help if he's working at school. So like I said not really a gift.
They also had a free month of tanning. Ok yeah that would be great if it wasn't winter. Do you know how weird that looks? Being tan when the sun is rarely out. Plus when it is you clearly are covered up. I mean you basically are flaunting that you tan. Don't want to be one of those people. Maybe in spring I could get it. Plus I don't want to deal with all that skin damage. Rather get a normal tan.
So that leads to the back of the letter. They gave me 6 referral cards. I'm suppose to give this to friends. It says 12 days of free fitness. Now I don't know if that means they don't have to sign up and they'll get 12 days for free. If that's true then that's stupid. They offer 30 days for free. Unless that was a November thing. Or it's you sign up and they will take off 12 days of the price. Or you get 12 days for free before they start charging you. Either way I don't get it, but it says use this card to enter the refer a friend contest. Wait does that mean they are entered in it or that I am. I fail to see how that's a great thing for anyone. Cause it looks like I'm just doing it to get into a contest or it looks they only want to do it for the contest. Like I said. My gym is funny.
Today I'm posting the 3rd episode of RuPaul's Drag U. I love this show because of what it does. It gives women confidence by dressing up like a drag queen. I really hope they do a reunion special. I really hoped a lot of the confidence stuck. I chose this episode because well it was the last episode I saw, and because I think the transformations were the best. In terms of confidence and drag queen look. Plus it seems like Drag U knows what it's doing at this point. The first episode was clearly a first episode. Plus the queens seemed to forget what exactly they were there to do. I think they were talked to after the first episode because I haven't seen that again.

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