Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oh boy what a day

First I need to apologize for my statement about the 48 hour mystery I watched. I probably should have watched the whole thing before commenting. It aired after Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan pleaded guilty. That is why it was shown as if they did do it. I will also say wow.... Craig Titus has some problems. The dude pleads guilty, but still says he is innocent. Then he seems to take that back and says he did do it kinda. I couldn't watch his interview because it felt so phony. Just didn't feel like he was telling the truth. Felt like he thinks what he says people believe. There was a point when he says he's sorry for what happened. Feels kinda like he's sorry for the fact he's sitting there behind bars, not so much for what happened with the murder. The interviewer even says the mother says she won't forgive you. He then replies saying he's not asking for forgiveness. He's sorry for what happened. Even in court he was just off. The judge says that they are concerned about the plea. And asks him point blank do you plead guilty to this. Did you or did you not do it. You could tell Craig wanted to say I didn't do it, but says yes I did it. He apparently got 26-55 years behind bars. After 26 years he is eligible for parole. I don't think I want him out and about. Not unless he has a serious 180 attitude wise.
Speaking of attitude changes, Michael Vick has turned it around. He is a guy that said I did do it. He paid the time and the fines and has come out as a better person. He has been a great player. Has not gotten into trouble. He is seriously someone that got a 2nd chance and said I'm not going to blow it. That's why president Obama praised him. Well that's the big problem. Since Obama praised him Fox News has to condemn him. Tucker Carlson said that Vick should be executed for what he did to dogs. That kinda of Vick hating sentiment has passed in public opinion. Vick has admitted what he did was wrong and did his time. He hasn't denied that it was a terrible thing that he did. That is why people are praising him. He's turned it around. He has shown that he isn't the same person that did those things. If he said this during the big scandal yeah I get it, but Tucker only said what he said because Obama praised him. He's saying Obama shouldn't praise him. I'm a Christian and I believe he should be executed for what he did. There are people that have done FAR worse to animals and haven't been executed. No person has been executed for animal cruelty. It's just sad. Sad that a man doesn't get viewed for the changes he made to himself because one person said he did good and the opponent has to say they did bad.
I'm sure you've heard that we have come to an end to the Favre investigation. Needless to say I'm pissed about it. Probably wouldn't have been happy with it either way. I admit that. What I'm mad about is that it took this long. Other players and coaches get suspended and fined at the drop of the hat, but this one took 2 months? Even with him admitting to sending the voicemails. Plus he got fined not for what he did admit to, but for not helping the investigation. ARE YOU SERIOUS! If an employee didn't help with a sexual harassment investigation they'd be fired or suspended, but this guy gets fined. Plus only $50,000. That's a drop in the water for Favre. That's not sending a message. Well it's sending the message of be a big football star that's getting ready to retire and don't help with the investigation and we'll just slap you on the wrist. The sooner he's out of the NFL the better for football.
Today's tip is the time is fast approaching to come up with a new year's resolution that you'll give up on about 2 months later.

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