Saturday, December 11, 2010

So hating the snow, my job, and christmas

Yep I've come to that point. Guess it was only a matter of time. I mean the 2nd job has never been something I enjoyed. The snow makes getting from point A to point B annoying and scary at times. Well only after it just started snowing. The day after it's fine, but since I always seem to have to go to the 2nd job on days it really snows not liking it. As for Christmas yeah thank the stores, commercials, and radio stations for that. I mean I have to hear the same old crappy songs all day at work. 2nd job work not my first job. My first job we listen to a radio station that plays classic rock so I don't have to hear the Christmas crap. I mean ugh come on why? Plus people get all pissy around this time when they shop. Some people are nice then there are others that are just assholes. Yeah that makes my job even less fun then it is now. Yeah the only way I'd sign on for a permanent position is if I only work 2 days a week and none of those days are weekends. That is only if they ask me which I know they won't. That's perfectly fine with me.
In fun news David Hasselhoff's show has been canceled after two episodes. That's funny because of a conversation I had with my roommate about the show. We were watching TruTV I think and the ad for that show came on. Now instead of givings us a general time or even day they said check your local listings. Ok that's work. If someone wants to see a show on a whim then you give them the day and time. You know the Tuesday at 9/8c or whatever. Don't say check your local listings. What does the A&E cable network really differ from state to state? Does it really? That to me sounds like you hadn't decided when the show was going to air. So that was strike number one. Well it turns out that the audience for the first show was like 750,000 viewers the it dropped to 500,000 viewers the next show. Now I don't know what's a good up or down number, but I'm guessing losing 250,000 viewers is a bad thing. Probably because people tuned back in for the show after it. Oh well. Didn't seem like a well thought out idea. Then again not a lot of his ideas nowadays seem to be well thought out.
So the other day at my 2nd job (yes we are back to that) one of the managers found a mouse. A dead mouse to be exact. In a trap to be even more exact. So she asked me to do it. Now the thing about this trap is that it's not well hidden. Anyone that looks up will see it. Yet this mouse was there for clearly a few days. And I'm pretty sure it was actually a rat based on it's tail. Now doesn't it make more sense not to have a trap in plain sight of a customer. I mean that would make me say wow this place has a mouse problem. Maybe I shouldn't get food items here. Well since no one noticed it until then I guess well the store is safe on that end.
Oh and side note. Probably not going to blog tomorrow since well as you can guess my 2nd job has me coming in early tomorrow. I can't do grocery shopping, blog, get dressed and make it on time. Not in the snow at least. Today's tip is taking a shower is better than taking a bath for the simple fact that you are less likely to fall asleep and drown taking a shower.

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