Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Feeling better

Yeah I needed that day off. Haven't had a headache today which is great. Plus I don't have to be in to work until later on today. Tomorrow is going to be a long night. Next week is going to be a very long week 2nd job wise. Next week is the week before Christmas. That means all the procrastinators will be out. Then the week of Christmas will be crazy too. Ugh I just so don't want to work there. People are starting to get pissy and it makes me pissy.
Yesterday I pretty much just watched tv. I watched World's Dumbest and Ben 10 which I had recorded and hadn't seen yet. Mainly because I'm going to need the space tomorrow night when I record my ABC comedies. So can't wait to quit this job. Well I'm not really quitting. More of not going to apply for a permanent position. Not unless they make it worth my while. Meaning they beg me to stay. Anyway I also watched some episodes of RuPaul's Drag Race. I love that show. It makes me laugh. Plus it lets us see what it's like for a drag queen. See what makes them tick. I think guys that go out in drag have more balls then the typical guy. I say that because they must get looks. They get judged before anyone gets to know them. Not always for the better. I think if people were to watch it they'd see a side they'd never seen before.
As for today I did my chest workout and I was basically all by myself in the weight room the way I like it. It's not that I can't share with people. I can't however deal with people that hog the machines and space. Plus when I do my chest workouts I really need to be back there alone. Or at least with someone who doesn't hog everything making me have to work around them. I will say I thought I was going to have to deal with one of the trainers. This guy comes in and he looks a lot like the manager/trainer. Then you realize he's taller and fatter. Anyway so I went back to my workout and during a gap between songs on my mp3 player I heard this weird clomping. I got up and saw that the guy is running on the treadmill. He is clearly flat footed. I swear it sounded like the machine was going to break. And the guy was really weird too. I mean he sweated a lot. He couldn't have been in the gym for longer then 20 minutes it seemed. 5 minutes of that he was in the restroom. Least it seemed that way. Then as me and my workout buddy where leaving he goes out right before us and starts stretching. The really odd thing about this is that he was out in a short sleeve shirt and shorts. But he did have a cap on. Then he got in his car and looked like he turned it on. The odd thing about that is that he still had stuff at the gym. Like I said he was a bit weird.
Here is an episode from RuPaul's Drag race. In this episode the queens impersonate different celebs. It's pretty funny. It really isn't as easy as simply putting on a wig. Today's tip is you know that time when you did that thing and you thought you'd never live it down? Since it didn't happen today you should feel better.

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