Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fun day

Today is a fun fun day. I got to sleep in late. I was going to get up early to go to the gym, but I kinda slept in. It worked out today since I had to move my car at 9 so they could clean the parking lot. So I left at like 8:50 and get to the gym at about 9. It looked like it was going to be really busy, but a lot of the cars were customers for other businesses. There was 4 of us all together. 5 in the middle of the workout then back to 4 and finally 2. I had a really good arm workout. They type that made it hard for me to hold out my arm without shaking. I think it has to do with me supersetting. I got sent a clip from a friend of Rusty Jeffers. If you don't know who that is, then look him up. Anyway it was a clip of one of his workout vids. In it he was talking about how his arms are his stubborn body part. Which honestly makes me feel better. My arms are the same way. Well arms and chest. Anyway he got his arms up to 20 inches. I'm just trying for 15. Anyway he mentioned he supersetted (meaning one right after the other) incline dumbbell curls and what's known as the Nose breaker or skull crusher. So I tried it and wow. That was a great idea. I mean I really felt that one. My arms are still burning. I'm so doing that from now on. It's a great idea.
Yet again. I had a very boring day at work. 5 hours of me not really having anything to do. By 8 very few people were in the store. By 10 we had 2 people in the whole store. Now the worst thing about this is that next week the store will be open until midnight and I know one of those days I'm going to have to stay until closing. I mean I need the money, but not so badly that I only get 6 hours of sleep. If even that. Plus it's only $7.50. I mean like we are really going to have anyone come in at before midnight. WE DON'T EVEN HAVE MORE THEN 5 PEOPLE FROM 10-11 UNLESS IT'S ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY! I so hate that job.
Ok time for the only Christmas Song I actually like. The Very First Christmas from Spongebob. I love it because it's so random. Then again what on Spongebob isn't. So time for a cheap laugh. Today's tip is if you don't want to dispose of a dead mouse then you probably should avoid the conventional mouse trap.

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