Friday, December 3, 2010

Can someone help me here

It seems like I'm one of the few people that really loves common sense. You know the simple things like if your going to walk in the road you walk with traffic. Or that if there is a sidewalk you walk on that. Or simply turning off your bright lights. I of course saw all this yesterday. In the morning I'm driving back from the gym and this woman (with a cane) is walking on the opposite side of the road. Not only that, but she isn't even on the sidewalk. Why do people do that. Especially those that can't move quickly. What if a car loses control. They are most likely going to get hit since they are going the opposite way of traffic and are in the road instead of on the sidewalk. I'm not saying your safer there if there is an out of control car, but you do have a better chance of getting out the way. Then how about the bright lights. I'm not talking about the people that have those really really bright lights naturally. I'm talking about the people that choose to have their high beams on as soon as it gets dark. When you live in the city you have no need for high beams. There are lights everywhere. Plus the people in front of you can't see a thing behind them. Not like they can signal that your lights are too bright. Well I know there is suppose to be a signal, but I honestly don't know it. Why people? Just why?
The other thing is people seriously just throw around words to try to sound intimidating, but they use them incorrectly a lot of the time. The best example for this is Libel and Slander. I don't know why people can not use these two words correctly. I learned the difference in 9th grade in my government class. So let's start with the basics. In both terms the main thing is that someone is making a false statement about you that hurts your reputation. It is a statement that has to be known to be false, but spread maliciously. That means it has to be someone presenting something false as a fact. Opinions don't count. So in a case of either one you have to prove that the person knew it was a false statement and that it did in fact hurt your reputation. Now the different between the two is the medium that is used. Slander is something that is verbal. As in said on TV or Radio. Anything that is heard. Libel is anything that is written. So here are two examples. If I was to go on tv and say that President Obama and I had a sexual relationship then that is slander. I am saying a known false statement and it will hurt his reputation. If I was to write an article in the New York Times that says George Bush raped my mother then that is libel since again I presented a known false statement in a written statement. Now if I was to say on tv that President Obama is the worst president in history then that's my opinion. Not slander. It is not presented as a fact. If I was to write that George Bush did a terrible job with the economy then it's not libel since again it's an opinion. People seriously throw those words out willy nilly just to sound big. Go look up the legal definitions if you don't believe me.
Well I'm sure you all have heard of Phoenix Wright. If not then google it. I'm sure you've seen the finger pointing and the words OBJECTION! Anyway this is a video using that game graphics and the soundtrack from The Frantics. It's about the reading of the will of a wealthy man who leaves well a nice surprise for everyone. I also posted the original video. I think the Phoenix Wright one was better. Probably because I saw it first and it's longer. Anyway it's a nice laugh.Today's tip is if your going to use big words in conversations at least know the definition of the word. Less embarrassing that way.

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