Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wow what is it today?

Today it seems no one wants to follow the rules. So I wake up at 8:15 to find out that the snow removal company is already out and removing snow. Well they aren't suppose to be there until 9. We got a letter yesterday saying that the company came by and no one removed their car. Well the thing is they were suppose to remove the snow the day before and everyone moved their car then. So we all figured guess there isn't enough snow on the ground that they should remove it. So the note says be out of your spot by 9. Well I call up my roommate and he says oh they were out at 7:15 removing snow. So I start getting ready to go to the gym and figure guess I'm leaving early. So at 8:30 I get a knock on my door. One of the tenants was asked by the snow removal company to tell me to move my car. Ok first off I shouldn't have to remove my car for another 20 minutes. I wouldn't have a problem moving my car if we weren't told just yesterday to be out BY 9. Not by 8:30. So I just go ahead and get dressed and move. When I got back I e-mailed the landlord.
Plus I was at the gym. Now at my gym you have to come in using a electronic pass. One pass lets in one person. So if there is a line of people each one has to use their pass to get in. It's to make sure that everyone is accounted for in case something happens such as theft. We are told this when we sign up. We are told that if we do this the first time is a fine. The 2nd time the fine is more. The third time your membership is terminated. Well this woman and two guys were at the door. She uses her pass. All 3 of them come in. This is the 2nd time I've seen someone do something like this. That's right. I don't know if the new manager is just skipping over this fact or if they new manager isn't even keeping up with that. Either way it's annoying. A lot of us follow the rule and yet these people don't and yet there isn't any punishment. Oh and funny side note. This big guy comes in. Big with more fat then muscle. He goes to the leg extension machine. I'm not going to lie. He looked really funny. I mean he was wider then the seat. His face is red. I mean just bright red. His neck disappeared. I tried not to stare and laugh, but that was hard.
The last rule breaker was on the road. I'm driving back home and there is a car parked on my side. This wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't for two facts. One the hazard lights weren't on. There is a reason why I said this. It has to do with problem number 2. There is a sign. That is very visible that says no parking here to the corner. The reason being is that it's right in front of a traffic light. Well not right in front, but really close. Ugh what is it with today.
Today's tip is If you are going to break the rules then don't go crying to people when you have to pay for your actions.

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