Monday, December 6, 2010

Finally off

Today is my day off. I've been needing it. I swear I've been getting sick. Well today I can do whatever I want. I have no room mate to deal with. I'm all by myself. Probably going to watch the shows I recorded later on today. Might even take a nap. YAY NAPS!
I so needed it after yesterday. Yesterday there was really no point in having me there. I mean nothing really happened. We had a really short busy spurt and that's it. Really we were just walking around. The boss right above me seemed to be hiding. I didn't see him really until he went home. That's really odd. I bet it was a really quiet night after I left. To think we have to stay open until 11. Was it really worth it?
Today I worked out at the gym today. The trainer was there again. It shocks me how much time is wasted with that guy. He spends more time talking then he does training. On top of that I'm not sure he's training her right. Today he had her doing hack squats. Yeah she wasn't using weights, but it's not going to shrink down her thighs. Seems like none of the women stay with a trainer for longer then 2 months. Mainly because I'm sure they don't see that they are slimming down. They see that they are getting bigger. The reason being is they get guy trainers that train them like guys. Guys tend to train for bulk and strength. Women tend to train for tone and slimming down. Oh well good luck with that.
I'm sure you all remember the show Kim Possible. I really loved that show (pre-movie). I thought it was a really interesting show. It was funny and taught some simple lessons by blowing them out of proportion. Plus I think it really did teach kids that they can do things that they put their mind to. Anyway there was a song from the show that got stuck in my head. It's called Say the Word. It was by Christi Carlson Romano. Pretty sure I spelled her name right. Anyway this was an AMV done by a youtube user. Just fyi the video starts basically at the 32 second mark. The first 31 seconds is the cover page sort of. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is common sense is an often under used tool. It can keep you out of some of the biggest trouble.

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