Friday, December 17, 2010

Do I complain? Yes I do.

Just a flat out fact. I flat out complain and I know I do. The reason is because if I don't I hold it in. Holding it in isn't good for me. It's one of the things that got me in the hospital. Like I said before when something I view as unjust happens and no one does anything about it, it bothers me. So that's how it goes. What really annoys me when I have to deal with people complaining time and time again and then when I have complaints and I voice them I'm told to shut up. My roommate complained and complained about his job. Said he didn't feel like he was doing a good job. So he quit. I complain about my job (which I've had for less time then he had his) and I get told that I'm just complaining. That I should be happy I have a job. Dude you had two (just like me right now) and you complained about the 2nd one until you quit. He complains about his family. He complains about politics. He complains just as much as I do. I never tell him to shut up. I don't really pay attention, but I don't tell him to shut up. So you know what if I can't find someone in person to complain to then I'll do it here. Just have to double it up.
Speaking of complaining back to my gym. So they are holding (well the pompous trainer is holding) a bench your weight contest. Now the thing about my gym is that everyone there isn't exactly there to win contests. Most are there to get into shape. Some are there to get bigger. Others are there to make sure they keep what they have right now. They tried this before. No one signed up for the World's Strongest Man/Woman training. As for the beat the trainer, I don't know if someone did it. I can't imagine anyone did since well the "prize" was a stupid prize. Why would you want a free training session if you can already beat the trainer. Well anyone so I come in today and there is a name on the paper. It of course was the pompous trainer. Ok two things with that. Why the hell would you put your name in the contest running? YOUR A FREAKING STAFF MEMBER! I mean wow. That is stupid. The second thing is again there is no timeline to this "contest". No prize. So now that anyone that thought they might want to try it won't. This guy apparently benched 230 lbs 25 times. Want to know the funny thing about that? When the beat the trainer was up I'm pretty sure it was 225 lbs benched 25 times. Makes me wonder if he just wrote a number that he did once. Then figured he should up it. Did another staff member actually see him. I didn't see anywhere that an employee was suppose to sign saying they approve of what they wrote. If anyone else signs up I will be shocked for sure.
The trainer/manager was in again. Still talking. I seriously can't stand the guy. He hogs the machines and just talks. He doesn't train. I mean arg.....
Today's tip is if you have a trainer that does more talking than training then you clearly have a trainer in it for the money. Get a new one.

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