Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm awake and ready to rant

Today I'm more up and with it. So I'm in the mood to rant. So I guess I'll start off with my former 2nd job. How I figured out I no longer work there is the fact I'm not on this weeks schedule (at the time next week). Now you'd think someone would say something on my last day. Or that I'd even get a phone call. Nope just not on it anymore. Oh and shockingly my manager wasn't working. You know it's not that hard. You simply say to the person thanks for your help this season, but next week we won't be needing you anymore. I'm not saying I want to continue to work there. Just would like to know ahead of time. It's just my personality. I like knowing things ahead of time so I can plan accordingly. That's a corporation for you.
I called up the store last week and was talking to my boss. He mentioned how one of our customers came in. He asked if I knew that there was something wrong with him. I said yeah he told me he has an over active thyroid. Well apparently the doctors took care of that. Apparently there is a medication for over active thyroid, but like 90% of people can't handle it. So what do they do then? They destroy the thyroid gland. Not only do they destroy it, but they use radiation to do it. For 3 days he had to use a separate restroom from his family. He now has to be on a medication for the rest of his life that acts like the thyroid gland. The guy is so happy about finally feeling normal. Well he won't be for long. The thyroid regulates our body temperature. Without it he has to take these meds. Well eventually he's going to get use to them and they aren't going to be affective. Plus I'm sure the meds have some nasty side effects. Plus he probably has damage from the radiation that they used. If it was me I'd rather find a way of handling the over active thyroid then getting rid of it all together and being on meds forever.
What is it with the NY Jets and scandals. I know I'm late in reporting this, but apparently a foot fetish video was found on the web with a woman that looked like Rex Ryan's wife. There is a man off camera that sounds like him. Now I'm not saying it is or isn't her. I'm just reporting what I saw and heard. Now the part that gets me is that when Rex was asked about the video he kinda somewhat denied it, then went on about how pretty his wife is. From that it sounds like yes it's them. If we have learned anything from any of the scandals in this past year is, if you admit it people forget it. The more you deny the more they dig and find the truth. Or they find worse dirt. So if it was him and his wife he could have actually played the victim. He could have said yes that was us. That was a private video that we shot together and we don't know how it got leaked. I don't appreciate whoever did it. Well then the spotlight is off them and onto whoever uploaded the video. So we'll see if anymore gets found out on the matter. Just hope for the Jets it's found to not be the wife. Like they need any more negative PR.
I'm sure you know of someone that seems to cry at the drop of the hat. Or seems to get way into a movie. Well this woman does both. No matter what movie she watches she ends up crying. Just watch the clip. You can see that well even an action movie can make her cry. I'd never want to watch a movie with her ever. Not even a comedy. I bet comedies do it worse to her. Today's tip is if you ever get tired of saying "I told you so," then you've lost your zest for life.

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