Friday, December 10, 2010

It's got to make you wonder

I wonder what goes through people's heads sometimes. My boss told me that yesterday someone came in and asked if we had a probiotic toothpaste. They said that it was suppose to remove more bacteria. Well I want you to think about this. If you know anything about probiotics you know that they are themselves bacteria. They are good bacteria, but bacteria none the less. So if you were to do one of those germ sensors you'd probably notice that there are tons more germs then you'd expect. They don't make a sensor that really tells the deference. You have to basically get a culture and have a scientist figure out the difference. So how in the world can they make that claim. That's why I don't trust things on tv. I think I mentioned the other day about the AB circle. I was looking at a box for it and it had pictures of "real customers" that use the product. They had before and after photos. One of them was no joke the guy in the after photo stretched out to be the before photo. It was obvious because of several things. He was wearing the same shirt, same expression, and the pixelation and discoloration. Another one looked like they seriously took two different women. It's so easy for corporations to change photos to their advantage. That's why I only trust photos that actual customers take and show. The average person isn't a professional at photoshop so if they change something it's kinda obvious.
I also wonder why so many people listen to their friends for products. What I mean is they don't really listen. Like they'll get advice from a friend in a different state then act shocked that a store doesn't carry what they want. Or they will look at the price and jump out of their skin. Wouldn't that be something that you'd talk to your friend about? Plus sometimes you have a friend that never has to change. There are some guys that shop the store that have never changed pre-workouts or protein. Then there are others that have to change ever time they finish. Those people will probably be able to give you an accurate choice. Say hey this one was great at this while this one was great at this. The guy that never changes will say this is the one I have and it does the job. So if it doesn't work for you, you are now at a loss. That's why it honestly does not hurt to ask the clerk. If they don't know then do a little research. Test things out. I guess probably because I'm so skeptical. I know what works for me. I know what doesn't and I only know that because I've tested so many different products.
Today's tip is if you say something then pause to think, "did that sound wrong," then yes it did.

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