Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pretty darn good tuesday

So today I'm feeling pretty darn good. I got up on time to do a workout. I was worried that my stomach wasn't going to allow me to finish the workout, but I pulled through it. So I finished my workout and I just felt like I had a lot of spare time. I mean I got a lot done real quickly today. I'm just in a good mood today. That usually happens on days that I workout. Yesterday I was not having too good of a day. I mean I woke up just not feeling right. So I didn't workout, but luckily it went away. It was also a really slow day since it was raining...hard. My room mate also wasn't feeling good. He said he stomach was bothering him and I thought it was something serious since he did have a fever. Luckily it did break and it seems like he's getting better. They also added shutters to the windows of my apartment building. The annoying thing is these are the shutters that don't actually work. They are just there for looks. This was done in spite of the fact that clearly the money should have been given to a roofer to do the roof which is peeling and what not. Lucky for me I'm not on the top floor so if the room leaks it's more of a problem for the people above me then it is my problem. Well guess I should go enjoy more of today. Today I again happened to again check out a recommendation video. This one is a video of Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. Apparently this is the 6th boss Molegra. I say that because I never really finished the game. I just made it past the first boss and that's pretty much it. Game annoyed me too much. Anyway I'm sure any of you that have played Majora's mask will find that this boss looks kinda familiar. He also dies just like the one your thinking of. Yeah this guy is kinda like Twin mold. Minus the growing giant thing and having to attack the tongue not the head or tail. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is Deja Vu is the body's way of telling you your boring do something new already.

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