Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wow that's weird

So I had a strange ass set of dreams last night. I mean strange even for me. I mean I was donating sperm and having kids left and right. I imagined that whenever we closed up the store another shop takes over and they were always busy so that pissed me off. Then my mom was in line to talk to a man who apparently is best friends with the president of bp. So I guess we were trying to really get him to realize the impact of what happened. Then I just remember being in a car and I was playing a game which I suddenly went into. I'm apparently playing a different version of gaiaonline's booty grab. I apparently have to chase down a fish to begin the game. Anyway I see this angler fish following this kid so I go to try to catch it and it grabs me with it's antenna and throws me. So I start running to follow it again and got on my bike ala pokemon games. Then all of a sudden I'm in a cartoon and in this cave. It was just a weird dream. As for the real world wow. That autistic guy keeps coming in. I swear he keeps getting worse and worse. I mean he's getting louder and talking longer and longer. I mean I flat out have gotten past the stage where I just politely nod. I make sure I don't even make eye contact or find something to do while he's talking. Oh don't worry that doesn't stop him from going on and on. Not even a customer coming in can stop him. It just makes me want to yell and scream at him, but I know it's not his fault which is the most annoying thing. I mean if he was just a chatterbox I could at least stop him and say I need to work, but not so much with an autistic guy. No he will continue to talk until he gets bored and moves on. Ugh. Today's video is a blast from the past. Guys that had an N64 played Star Fox 64 at one point. This is the ending of Star Fox 64 on hard in expert mode. The thing about expert mode is you could only unlock it by getting medals on every planet. Expert mode was a bitch because your ship crumbled at the smallest bit, but you got to have fox wear some nice shades. So enjoy. Today's tip is people do the strangest things for money. You now know what you must do.

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