Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And restless

So this morning I didn't go workout because honestly I need a day off to rest right? Well I woke up at 6 as if I was going to the gym. I seriously couldn't go back to sleep so I figured what the hell I'll just do an ab workout at the apartment since I'm not going to put on my stuff to go to the gym to do it. Waste of gas right there. So yeah I'm turning into one of those people. The ones that can't take a day off from working out. Well on the plus side it was an abbreviated workout. Only was at it for like 20 minutes if even that. Probably more like 15. The stomach is one of those things that isn't hard to train since there's so much you can do without weights. Honestly I do need to start working the stomach more. That might be one reason why my body fat is higher. I hold fat in my stomach more then any other place in my body and if there are no muscles there to burn off fat then of course it's just going to keep building. And this way if I flex my stomach there will actually be something there even if it's under a layer of fat. So today I'm going through my gym partner's book of exercises to look at some different workouts I could do. I think I'm going to add this one called good morning. I've seen it under exercises that work the back, the glutes, and now the abs. Seems like it's a good one all around to add. I'm thinking I'll add it to my back day. Pretty sure I don't have a lot of back exercises and I'm sure the good morning works the lower back which I don't have a lot of exercises that does. If I wasn't so self conscious I'd post an image after my first week at the gym then in a month from now post another. Well tomorrow I do have the day off, but I do plan on going to the gym in the morning. Oh well. There's always Sunday or Saturday. So today's video is from India.Arie. I heard this song while my mom was getting her colon checked out. We were there early and I was watching my then favorite news program the Daily Buzz. They were doing a feature on her and this song came up. The song being I Am Not My Hair. I love this song for the simple reason that it has a good message. Not only that but you can actually understand the words. The version I heard was the one I will post with Akon. There is another one where it's just her and it starts off with two of her "fans" talking about her hair. Anyway it's a good song with a good message. The music video is pretty good too. Simple yet speaking volumes. Today's tip is be critical of what people tell you. Just not so critical that you give them the 3rd degree when they tell you the time.

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