Monday, June 7, 2010

Damn it blogger

So pretty much all day I couldn't post my blog for today. Now that really annoys me since I moved my blog from wordpress. I figured blogger was better because I got more freedoms then I did on wordpress. Plus the fact that they gave me stats on my blog started to make me paranoid. Anyway so I was real busy over the weekend. I found out the awesomeness of the map app on my phone. For once I can read a map. My biggest problems with maps is I never know where I am on a map. Now I can always know. Well once it finds me. Anyway also makes it easy to see where your going. Big help on my road trip on Saturday. I also had a good workout yesterday. Also finally started doing something about my stretch mark. Well I assume it's a stretch mark on my right bicep. I could be wrong. Just really hope I'm not. What I'm using does seem to work on them. I know that if they are stretch marks I'm stuck with them for life. I can at least minimize them. Also found out I have a killer work schedule. Well only in the sense that I have to work 2 days straight all by myself. Least I get most of the day tomorrow and all day Friday off. I'll so need it. Plus my workout schedule is screwed up since I have to go in early Wednesday for a meeting. Ugh I hate those meetings. Just listening to a big blow hard talking for an hour. Maybe he'll be in a decent mood on Wednesday. So while working out a song played on my mp3 player that made me want to post it. It's called Oversoul. It's the first opening to the anime Shaman King. I love that series. It was really funny. Crappy ending though. Anyway I just really like this song. I decided to post a shaman king amv. Just wish I could find one I really really like. Oh well. Today's tip is broken trust is like coming up with these tips of the day. Takes time, effort, and sometimes has a terrible outcome.

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