Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just been Thinking

Yeah I do that a lot when I'm working out. Which is actually quite shocking. Anyway so my home gym is really my roommate's crossbow he bought. I've been using it for awhile and yeah I'm getting results, but I'm starting to outgrow it. I'm already maxed out on a few exercises. So I started thinking. Maybe I should go to a gym. I can use the crossbow on days I can't make it to the gym like in Winter. I mean my roommate did mention that I was started to outgrow it, but I said no I'm fine. I said that mainly because we do workout with each other. Well least we use to. He hasn't been working out as much as I have. I hit it 4 days a week. He sometimes goes 2. Now granted he does have a new job, but well if I'm going to have a training partner I'd like to have a training partner. So I find myself working out alone a lot. Then when he does workout with me I always get frustrated because I feel like my workouts moving too slow because I have to wait for him to finish his exercise and then I have to add on a ton more resistance bows. Now granted we aren't working out for the same reasons. I'm trying to bulk up and put on as much mass as possible. He's more doing it to stay lean. So obviously he won't be outgrowing it any time soon. It's perfect for him not so much for me. So I might have to save up some money and get a gym membership. I mean I don't want to because I don't want to make my roommate feel bad, but I think it's more because I didn't want to change. I didn't want to rock the boat. So I figure I got to talk to the guy. Just hope it doesn't make it awkward. I would assume it wouldn't since he was the one to suggest it. Plus I always feel bad using it when he's not. You know how you hear something and it sticks in your head, but you have no clue where it came from. For instance if someone does a specific type of knock (one that requires 5 knocks in a specific sequence) we all know to knock back twice, yet very few of us even know where it came from. Well it's basically something called shave and a haircut and we respond by saying two bits. Yeah didn't know that did ya. Well this is another one. I heard it on the today show and I was like I know where that comes from, but how many people my age know where that comes from? Well just play the video and I'm sure you'll say wow I've heard that. Well it's the theme song to an old show called Green Acres. We all know the music just not the words. Today's tip is It's human nature to be afraid of change, but it is a necessary evil. Without it we'd still be in caves.

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