Friday, June 18, 2010

On top of the world

Today I'm feeling just really energized. I'm feeling great. I think it's because of the pre-workout I took this morning. I mean it got me pumped up. In more ways then one I must add. That's a little side effect that I'm sure guys won't hate but their girlfriends and/or boyfriends might not like it. I can't seem to sit still. Downside is it leaves a horrible taste in your mouth and even brushing your teeth doesn't help. Have to eat something to help you with it. Today I think I have a good amount of stuff to do so this buzz can eventually wear off. I'm just feeling really excited and up beat today. So this stuff gets a thumbs up from me. Now to have other guys test it out and see how they like it. Hopefully they all love it to. It was part of this whole we are changing over without really telling you and now it's basically a whole new product type thing. The last time that happened we ended up with protein no one wanted. As for my interview yesterday I think it went well. Won't know about a positon for about a week. Plus when I got back I think I got a canker sore. Least that's what my boss things. I basically took a break, changed, did the interview, came back, changed back, and went back to work. I don't think it was one, but then again he's probably right. They are brought on by stress and well I was under a lot of stress. I don't get nervous the same way other people do. I tend to hold in my emotions and clearly it resulted in a canker sore. Which of course stressed me out even more. Luckily my boss suggested some things that might help which helped destress me which helped it go down. No sign of it so far knock on wood. Oh and another weird thing that happened yesterday. This woman comes in and wants to buy something. The total comes to like 20 something I believe. She then asks if I can break a 100. This was early in the morning so I really couldn't. Plus I had just done it and had to run to down to the bank. Anyway I said I couldn't and so she says oh ok and starts pulling out some 20's and 10's. So I'm just thinking what the hell. Why ask if I can break 100 if you had smaller bills. So of course I really think it was a counterfeit 100 or she is just too lazy to go to the bank. Ugh. Today's tip is no 2 people are alike, so stop comparing yourself to everyone. Not even that clone you made is exactly like you.

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