Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So I didn't really have any excitement go down yesterday. No real crazy calls or customers. Today my boss my come in to make my day seem a little nicer. I forgot to bring this product that I'm suppose to try that is suppose to give me energy throughout the day and I forgot it in my haste to get in on time. So I'm going to have to work through the day. In other news I love watching the news. Mainly because it really helps me in reading people. Today they were talking about that Ian Vander Slut or however he spells the name. They had a criminal profiler who was basically explaining all his little tricks. I find it very fascinating. Learning about all this stuff. I also notice things when I watch interviews. A lot of people give off something to let you know what's really going on. It's how I decide who I trust when it comes to a dispute. Today's tip is don't run with scissors. Unless you have protective gear.

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