Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday Sunday Sunday

Yep it's Sunday and I'm doing nothing here. Yesterday was a pretty decent day work wise. I say that because I didn't have tons of crazies. Plus I got some stuff done. It was a pretty decent day. Although when I got done I was so ready to do something. Then when I got home and ate yeah that went away. I also think my body fat is low for sure. I see veins and I'm still drinking water so yeah body fat is low. In other news I got one sweet deal. I went to go get some ice cream. It was an ice cream cone with these flavor waves called flavor burst. It was buy one get one free. I figured oh I bet they are small so I better go ahead and get the free one. Turns out that well each cone was like 10 inches of ice cream. Needless to say I couldn't finish both of them so they are now chillin' in my freezer. Got a lot to do. Computer is acting up per usual. Yeah just need it to last until close to October. Then I can buy a new one with b-day gift money I get. I mean this one did last 4 years. Well 4 years in September. Do of course plan on getting the warranty. That's why I swear this one lasted as long as it did. Plus it saved me like 80 bucks when my computer got this huge ass crack. Plus I got tons of laundry and other stuff to yeah didn't feel like making a tip or looking for a video so laters.

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