Saturday, June 26, 2010

So very sore

Ooo bad idea working out twice in one day. Especially when one of those workouts is with a trainer. So when I last left you yesterday I was excited about working out in a gym. Now I'm still excited about it, but very sore. Not so sore I can't function, but sore enough that I'm not functioning at 100%. Anyway so when I get there my back isn't killing me, but I know I worked it out. So I meet with the trainer and we get talking. He says I'm in pretty good shape for someone that hasn't done a lot of resistance training. Anyway so we get started and he's of course happy that I brought water along and that I knew about nutrition and what not. So we start the warm up on the treadmill which I don't do at all. I find walking/running/jogging boring. I usually like the bikes myself. Anyway so after we finished up my legs were really stiff and when I walked seemed like I was moving faster. Probably because I was actually getting somewhere. Then we did some stretches. I discovered something. I can touch my toes without bending my knees. I have never been able to do that. I was shocked, but I didn't want the trainer to know that I have never touched my toes before. After a few of those we move to the weights. Now I told the guy that I was looking for more upper body mass. I mean my legs look great, but I'd like my chest and arms to look great. My stomach I'm finally happy with. Yeah there is some pudge, but not so much that I hate myself. Anyway our workout was mostly leg stuff. Guess I shouldn't be shocked since it was a free consultation. Of course he wasn't going to give me the good stuff. Then he of course tried to strong arm me into signing up for his training program. Yeah so not going to happen. Barely managed to get money for a gym membership let alone a trainer. I mean I honestly. I knew he was kinda buttering me up. Oh and the best part was that at the end of the workout he was like I hope that you don't think that all my sessions are this easy. So of course I'm like I'm exhausted from this one and this was the easy one. Oh hell no. Then again I ran into someone yesterday morning that said the trainers really push you. So yeah I left there feeling great I made it through with no puking (which means I didn't take in enough carbs and my body is eating itself) and kinda pissed because he just gave me mostly lower body workouts to work with which isn't my problem area. Guess he thought it was. Anyway never going to get a trainer ever. I can't imagine doing something more intense even once a month for 3 months. It should never be so intense I feel like puking. I even had extra carbs too. So that's why I'm sore today. Now to go in tomorrow and do this all over again. Minus the getting close to puking part. So I had Under the Sea stuck in my head so I figured I'd post it. No not the one from the little mermaid. The one from Kingdom Hearts 2. And to spice things up I'm also going to post the Japanese version. Yeah I'm bored. Oh and quick note the Japanese version does have English lyrics. Today's tip is if your going to make an ad for a product or service make sure your ad actually makes a reference to the product or service.

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