Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What a weird day

So yesterday turned very weird with all the stuff we got in. I got a call from one of our suppliers giving me bad news to give to my boss. Then we get a wrong shipment from that supplier and find out that one of the products we bought from another company went up in price. Yeah so that was great. I also don't get why some people can't just get to the point. I mean they know that we are working and that aren't a lot of us at one time yet they continue to just go on and on and on about something. I swear they just want to avoid having to call their other customers. In other news I hate the BMI index. I think it's a horrible indicator of if you are overweight or obese. It only takes your weight by your height. Well according to it I'm overweight even though at last check I only had about 7% body fat. The rest is muscle which as we all know weighs more then fat. I mean for my height if I was truly overweight it would show. I mean if you were to get a personal trainer on this index it would show they are overweight too. Imagine a bodybuilder. They'd be considered obese. Do they really look obese to you....ok the ones not on roids. So yeah I hate the body fat index. How this came up was my friend sent me and some others a link to an article saying that fat women are less likely to find a sexual partner and are 4 times more likely to have an unplanned pregnancy. How they did this was based on the BMI. And this study said overweight men are more likely to have sexual partners. Well obviously if we base this off of BMI not bodyfat. I mean I'm considered overweight according to it. So that means a lot of guys who workout can be considered overweight. I'm sure that some of those guys they studied were simply fit not actually fat. The calculator I used even mentions that. So I kinda don't trust this what this study says about the wide gap between men and women. I mean it says I way 71% more then others at my age and height. Well anyway enough of that annoying study. I read another article where the grandson of a victim tracked down his grandfathers killer. Now there is more to this story then that. The killer apparently walked out on his parole and life to restart in another state under another name... 40 years ago. That's right the guy was missing for 40 years. He is now like 70 something. He had a life sentence and was out on parole. He skipped his hearing and started a new life. Then 40 years later boom he's back in jail. Now I have kinda mixed feelings about this story. 1. yeah he skipped out on parole, but he's 40 years older 2. he basically was a completely different person 3. the grandson that found him didn't even know the grandfather or really know his family on that side. Now the board has this strict no skipping out on parole deal. Not to mention he was suppose to be executed by hanging. So he was basically spared and the dude ran off. Isn't that kinda what we hope doesn't happen. I just can imagine that the kids of the victim just had to feel so scared when they heard that. Knowing he was out there somewhere and had made death threats to basically everyone in the courtroom. The fear that must have run through them. Now this dude could end up pardoned by the president or the governor, but I doubt that will happen. It's one of those deep running wounds.The video for today is another one from the live action sailor moon. Except not really. This is a song that was sang a few times throughout the series since Minako in this version is a pop star. I use to know all the hand movements for the chorus. They had a dance lesson thing up on youtube for it. Anyway I like the song so I figured I'd post it and this one comes with subtitles. Today's tip is don't believe everything you read, unless you want to be like that guy you see on the streets all the time.

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