Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lot of time off

So today I'm getting a half day off. Yesterday I got a half day off. Tomorrow I'm getting a full day off. Like I said lot of time off. In this time off I'm trying to figure out which gym I want to go to. I checked out two gyms. Why is it the one that I think I'm really going to enjoy is the one that I hate the most? I guess because I get my hopes up so they get dashed easier. Now in this case it was mainly because the gym I thought I was going to enjoy one of my customers goes to. If there is one there's another and another. Plus this one is linked to another gym that I'm sure a lot of guys that shop at the store go to. So I really can't go there. The other gym is smaller. It isn't as popular so that means that it is very unlikely I'll run into someone I know. Plus it seems like it's more friendly. For instance let's dare to compare what happened when I showed up. The first gym (the gym I liked) has a non-member door. The door is facing the office of the manager so someone can greet you right off the bat and that's exactly what happened. I introduced myself and the manager greeted me with a smile. At the other gym. There isn't a non-member door. So I had to ring the door bell. I had to stand there in plan sight of everyone working out before someone on staff finally got to the door. When I introduced myself she had no clue who I was or that I had called ahead of time. So yeah not good. The first gym has tons of security cameras and things for the members to use if there is an emergency. Didn't see anything like that at the other gym. I wanted to join with a friend and there is a deal that I can do at the first gym to add a person and it actually makes the cost per month for each of us less then the original price for just one. At the other gym we have to sign up separately and it would be 2 dollars more a month then at the first gym. So needless to say I found one I liked even though it is further then the other gym. In other news I apparently have my first follower. Hello *waves*. I'm so popular now. Awhile back I posted the opening for an anime called Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro Chan. Think I also posted an episode. Anyway this is part of an epsiode of the 1st episode of the 2nd season. As you'll notice her hair has changed colors. Oh and if you want to see all of the blood and gore then you'll have to buy or borrow the dvd. Apparently even japan can't air it on tv the way it is. So enjoy. Today's tip is hard to be unbiased, especially when the guy gave you free cookies to choose his side.

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