Monday, June 28, 2010

And I'm good

So my back is feeling a hell of a lot better. It kinda happened when I did a shortened leg workout. That means I'm back on track and able to work. That makes me happy. Will say that's also shocking how quickly I recovered considering how badly it hurt. Guess that's the magic power of glutamine and stretching. As for last night I was spending most of my time combing through fitness magazines I had for some exercises I could do at the gym. I like to plan ahead with these types of things. I don't want to go in there just winging it. Plus I like to keep a journal so I know how I'm progressing. The annoying part is there are so many different types of workouts for each body part. So I basically had to take the exercise that seemed to be the most used for a muscle group. For instance with the chest everyone seemed to have some form of a bench press and flies on a flat bench, a bench at an incline, and a decline. So I stuck with that. Then from there I added on 1 more exercise that I saw a lot which was cable crossovers. That of course wasn't easy. Just seems like all these fitness magazines are just ads. You think you stumbled onto an article only to find out nope just an ad meant to look like an article. The annoying thing is if I wanted to create a product I could easily do those types of ads. Just get people that are already built and make them a spokesperson. Then get some people that are out of shape, work them out then doll them up and take after photos. I mean they don't show you what they look like from day to day. I mean these guys had to dehydrate themselves so they look even more ripped. I say this because it's true. Look at a before and after photo. Doesn't the after photo look more tanned then the first. Yes they might be getting more sun, but some say these transformations happen in like 2 weeks. Or you notice how they seem to be shiner or like they put on some tan stuff. That's why I don't trust those ads. Especially Muscletech. Those products just don't work for me. I took Nano Vapor and all it did was make me hot. Didn't make me feel an incredible pump or energy like it claims. Just simply hot. Least one claim was correct. Today's tip is the only day better then a day of rest is a day when everyone gives you stuff for free.

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